Command Reference Guide > Command Reference Guide > Using Actian X Commands > blobstor Command--Copy a BLOB from a File to a Database
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blobstor Command--Copy a BLOB from a File to a Database
The blobstor command loads a binary large object (BLOB) into a column of an Ingres database, or stores the file name of the BLOB into a specified varchar (256) column. The BLOB is stored into a long byte column.
The blobstor command has the following format:
blobstor [-t table -b blobcol -n namecol] [-u -w whereclause][‑gt SRID] [‑gb SRID] [vnode::]dbname imageFile
Specifies the virtual node where the database resides.
Specifies the database name.
Specifies the file name of the binary object to be stored.
-t table
Specifies the name of the table to update.
-b blobcol
Specifies the name of the column to contain the BLOB. The default name is icedata.
-n namecol
Specifies the name of the column to contain the file name. The default name is icedata.
-u -w whereclause
Updates (-u) the BLOB in the location specified by the where clause (-w).
-gt SRID
Use if imageFile contains WKT. The SRID is required; if unknown or undefined, use -1.
-gb SRID
Use if imageFile contains WKB. The SRID is required; if unknown or undefined, use -1.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024