Command Reference Guide > Command Reference Guide > Using Actian X Commands > iishowres Command--Display Memory Used by Locking and Logging
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iishowres Command--Display Memory Used by Locking and Logging
Valid on Linux.
Permission required: Access to the directory where the utility is located.
The iishowres utility displays the amount of shared memory the locking and logging system uses to manage logging and concurrency in an installation. The size of the logging and locking memory segment depends on several parameters such as the number of concurrent users, the number of open databases, and the number of lock lists.
The iishowres command has the following format:
iishowres [-d] [-node nodename][-help]
Shows the amount of memory each component of the locking and logging system uses.
If you do not use the -d flag, iishowres returns the total amount of shared memory needed by the logging and locking memory segment (in bytes).
-node nodename
Queries a specific node. A nodename is valid in a cluster installation only.
Displays command syntax online.
Note:  The iishowres command is only available if you have read access to the config.dat file, which includes installation administrators.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024