Command Reference Guide > Command Reference Guide > Using Actian X Commands > ingstop Command--Stop an Ingres Instance
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ingstop Command--Stop an Ingres Instance
Permission required: Installation owner, privileged user.
IMPORTANT!  To use this command, you must be logged into the installation owner account.
The ingstop command shuts down an Ingres installation. It stops the servers in an orderly fashion for reconfiguration or system shutdown. It automatically brings down all or selected server-related processes in the installation. It can shut down servers, the archiver and recovery processes, and deallocate shared memory.
The ingstop command provides a graceful shutdown: the program waits for all traffic to terminate and for all users to exit from Ingres before shutting down the Ingres processes. You can optionally specify a forced shutdown.
Because it is important that processes be brought down in the correct sequence, you should use ingstop whenever you shut down the entire installation. You can also use ingstop to shut down the locking and logging system.
Note:  When ingstop is run without any options, it kills the Data Access and Communications servers before checking for existing database sessions. For new connections to be accepted, the DAS and Communications servers must be restarted manually.
The ingstop command has the following format:
ingstop [-iigcn|-dmfrcp|-dmfacp|-client|-rmcmd|
 -sybase|-db2udb [= connect_id]]]
[-f] [-timeout=minutes] [-kill] [-show|-check] [-force|-immediate]
[-cluster] [-node nodename] [-help]
Stops the Name Server.
Stops the recovery process.
Stops the archiver process.
Stops a client service by stopping only a Name Server and Communications Server. Valid on Windows only.
Stops the Remote Command Server required by Visual DBA.
Stops the DBMS Server.
Note:  If any DBMS Server has connected sessions, issuing ingstop –iidbms will not result in a graceful shutdown. The shutdown of the DBMS and Star servers will be aborted and these active servers will be re-opened for connections.
Stops the Communications Server.
Stops the Bridge Server.
Stops the Data Access Server.
Stops the Star Server.
Stops the Management Server required by Director.
Stops Enterprise Access for Informix.
Stops Enterprise Access for MS SQL Server. Valid on Windows only.
Stops Enterprise Access for Oracle.
Stops Enterprise Access for Sybase.
Stops Enterprise Access for IBM DB2 UDB.
Specifies the connect ID of the server to be stopped. To see a list of DBMS server connect IDs, use the iinamu command.
Forces immediate shutdown. It initially quiesces all Net and DBMS servers. If active sessions remain after 30 seconds, a "STOP SERVER" forcible shutdown is issued to the DBMS Server, and equivalent hard stops are issued to all Net servers. Ingstop then waits indefinitely for the logging system to stop before completing the shutdown.
To ensure shutdown within a reasonable amount of time, use –f with the –kill parameter, which uses a graduated approach:
It first tries a quiescent shutdown.
Then it attempts a STOP SERVER.
Finally, it executes a kill -9 hard kill of the servers.
If STOP SERVER succeeds in shutting down the DBMS but the logging system remains active after 100 seconds, the logging system is forced to stop immediately (rcpconfig -imm_shutdown) or killed if it does not stop. Therefore, ingstop -f -k is appropriate for use in a system shutdown procedure.
Waits the specified number of minutes for active sessions to terminate before shutting down the installation.
Shuts down the installation without waiting for currently executing transactions to complete. Transaction recovery will be required when the installation is restarted. Any Ingres processes that cannot be shut down by conventional means are terminated.
This parameter is usually used with the –f parameter.
Forces the shut down of active servers in the installation without waiting for users to disconnect.
Shuts down the installation immediately. It does not wait for currently executing transactions to complete. Transaction recovery will be required when the installation is restarted.
-show | -check
Displays a list of currently running Ingres processes, but does not shut them down.
Shuts down Ingres on all nodes in the cluster. Valid in a cluster installation only.
-node nodename
Shuts down Ingres on the specified node. Valid in a cluster installation only.
Displays command syntax online.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024