Command Reference Guide > Command Reference Guide > Using Actian X Commands > ivm Command--Start Ingres Visual Manager
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ivm Command--Start Ingres Visual Manager
Valid on Windows.
Permission required: Access to the directory where the utility is located.
The ivm command starts Visual Manager (IVM).
The Visual Manager is a graphical user interface that provides a global view into the Ingres installation. It is a system console from which you can manage Ingres components and access other utilities.
You can use IVM to start and stop the Ingres, monitor the status of the installation or individual servers, view and configure system, user, and other types of parameters, view log files and event statistics for the installation or individual servers, and view and define error message alerts.
This utility captures events that are occurring in the system and allows them to be filtered for emphasis.
The ivm command has the following format:
ivm [‑stop]
Last modified date: 08/14/2024