rcpconfig Command--Control Logging and Locking System
Permission required: System administrator.
The rcpconfig utility controls the state of the logging system, and is used in system maintenance.
The rcpconfig command is called by the ingstart and ingstop commands to configure or shut down the archiver and recovery processes for your installation. Typically, you do not run the rcpconfig utility directly.
Instead of using rcpconfig, use ingstart to reconfigure the locking and logging system and ingstop to shut down the entire Ingres system, including the locking and logging system.
The rcpconfig command has the following format:
rcpconfig [[-init | -init_log | -init_dual [-node nodename]]| -force_init |
-force_init_log | -force_init_dual | -enable_log | -enable_dual |-disable_log |
-disable_dual | -shutdown | -imm_shutdown] [-silent] [-help]
Initializes both transaction log files. This can be done only when the installation is offline.
In cluster installations, the node flag can also be used.
Initializes the primary transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline.
In cluster installations, the node flag can also be used.
Initializes the dual transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline.
In cluster installations, the node flag can also be used.
-node nodename
Queries a specific node. A nodename is valid in a cluster installation only.
Forcibly initializes both transaction log files. This can be done only when the installation is offline, but after allocating shared memory (csinstall).
Forcibly initializes the primary transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline.
Forcibly initializes the dual transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline.
Enables the primary transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline.
Enables the dual transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline.
Disables the primary transaction log file.
Disables the dual transaction log file.
Gracefully shuts down the installation. It waits for any currently executing transactions to finish and cleans up the logging and locking system prior to shutdown.
Shuts down the installation immediately, not waiting for currently executing transactions to complete. Transaction recovery will be required when the installation is restarted.
Sets the program exit status to TRUE or FALSE according to the results of the operation.
Displays command syntax online.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024