rollforwarddb Examples
1. Recover the empdata database from the target checkpoint and journal and provide diagnostic information about all operations executed during the recovery process.
Note: Both the journal and the checkpoint must be online before executing the command.
rollforwarddb empdata -v
2. Recover tables emp and emphist from the empdata database:
rollforwarddb empdata -table=emp,emphist
3. Recover tables emp and emphist from the empdata database without recovering the indexes:
rollforwarddb empdata -table=emp,emphist -nosecondary_index
Note: The indexes on tables emp and emphist will have to be rebuilt or dropped before the tables can be accessed.
4. Recover table emp in the empdata database and relocate it from location emploc to the new location newemploc:
rollforwarddb empdata -table=emp,emphist -relocate -location=emploc -new_location=newemploc
rollforwarddb empdata +c +j -m/dev/rmt0
5. Apply journals incrementally to the mydb database:
a. Start the incremental rollforwarddb:
rollforwarddb mydb +c -j -incremental_start
b. Discover and apply new journals:
rollforwarddb mydb -c +j -incremental_continue -norollback
The database remains inconsistent and readonly. Journal processing may leave open transactions such that the database is in an inconsistent state.
c. Discover and apply new journals, roll back open transactions, and mark the database updatable:
rollforwarddb mydb-c +j -incremental_finish -rollback
The database is marked consistent and updatable.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024