Command Reference Guide > Command Reference Guide > Using Actian X Commands > statdump Command--Print Statistics in iistats and iihistogram Catalogs
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statdump Command--Print Statistics in iistats and iihistogram Catalogs
The statdump command prints statistics contained in the iistats and iihistograms catalogs of the Standard Catalog Interface.
These views contain statistical information about columns used by the Query Optimizer as it selects an efficient query processing strategy. The statistical information is typically generated by issuing the optimizedb command.
Note:  Statdump operates only on the tables owned by the user who is running it. A single statdump command will not print statistics for the entire database if multiple schemas are present. To run statdump individually for each schema, you must be the DBA or a privileged user and use the -u flag. You can also specify -r schemaname.tablename, which must be used in combination with the -u flag.)
The statdump command has the following format:
statdump [SQL option flags] [-zf filename] [-zc] [-zcpk] [-zdl]
[-zn#] [-zq] [-o filename]
dbname {-rtablename {-acolumnname}}|{-xrtablename} [-help]
SQL option flags
Passes any of the following SQL option flags. For a complete description of these flags, see sql Command--Start the Line-based SQL Terminal Monitor.
+U |-U
-zf filename
Reads filename for all command line arguments. This file must contain one flag only per line. If this flag is specified, no other flags or arguments can appear on the command line—they must appear in the specified file instead.
Displays statistics on the system catalogs as well as the base tables. If you want statistics for selected system catalogs, use this flag and specify the individual tables with the -r flag. To use this flag, you must be the DBA of the specified database.
Displays statistics from a composite histogram on the primary key structure.
Deletes statistics from the system catalogs. When this flag is used, the statistics for the specified tables and columns (if any) are deleted rather than displayed.
Produces histogram cell values in hex format, which is useful for seeing how Unicode data is stored.
WARNING!  A file with histogram data represented in hex format (generated by the -zhex flag) cannot be used as input to the optimizedb -i command. Doing so will result in incorrect histogram data, which will affect the performance of optimization algorithms.
Displays floating-point values in scientific notation (for example, 9.9999+e9) and sets the precision to the level specified by #. The total width of the displayed number will be equal to the value of the precision level + 7.
Displays only the information contained in the iistats catalog and not the histogram information contained in iihistograms (quiet mode).
-o filename
Directs output to the file specified by filename. The resulting file is an ASCII file whose content is identical to the information normally sent to the terminal screen.
The resulting file can be used as input to the optimizedb command on the -i flag.
Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters.
Produces statistics for the specified tables only. If omitted, then statistics for all tables are produced.
The table name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format schema.tablename, as described in Schema Qualifier--Specify Ownership.
If the table cannot be found, a warning message is printed and processing continues.
Note:  Only one -r flag per tablename is allowed (whether issued on the command line or from within a file with-zf). For example:
  statdump mydb -rtable -acol1 -rtable -acol2
is invalid and will generate an error. The correct syntax is:
  statdump mydb -rtable -acol1 -acol2
Specifies tablenames to be excluded from processing by statdump. Except for these, statistics for all columns in all tables in the database are produced.
Produces statistics for the specified columns only. To specify individual columns you must specify the table name with the -r flag. If column names are omitted, then all columns of the specified table are processed.
If the column cannot be found, a warning message is printed and processing continues.
Displays command syntax online.
Note:  The combination of -rtablename and -xrtablename parameters and of -xrtablename and -acolumnname parameters is not permitted.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024