vdba Command--Start Visual DBA
Valid on Windows.
Permission required: Installation owner, DBA, privileged user.
The vdba command starts the Visual DBA utility, which is a graphical user interface used by the DBA to administer an Ingres installation. The vdba utility can be used to manage a local or remote Ingres installation.
The vdba command has the following formats:
vdba environmentname.cfg
vdba /c [maxapp] [maxwin] [nonodeswindow] [windowdesc {,windowdesc}...]
Specifies a configuration file that defines a Visual DBA environment previously saved with Visual DBA.
Note: If you specify this file, no other parameters are allowed on the command line.
Provides a means of invoking Visual DBA with a list of parameters.
Maximizes the Visual DBA application.
Maximizes the MDI windows in Visual DBA.
Does not display the Virtual Nodes toolbar and window.
Specifies the type of window to open on startup. Valid values are dom, sql, monitor, and dbevent.
The syntax for each windowdesc is as follows:
dom|sql|monitor|dbevent [nodename] [/server_class] [-uusername] [objecttype objectidentifier]
Specifies the type of window to be opened.
Specifies the node where the window is to open. No node designates the local node.
Specifies the server class (allows work on Enterprise Access products)
Specifies the user to impersonate.
objecttype objectidentifier
Places the selection on the corresponding object: In dom and monitor windows, expands appropriate branches and places the selection of the corresponding object.
In sql and dbevent windows, only a database can be specified (it becomes the active database).
Valid values for objecttype are: database, table, view, procedure, user, group, role, location, or server.
Valid values for objectidentifier are:
serverno (for servers) (in monitor windows)
objectname (if not a child branch from a database)
dbname/objectname (if child from a database). Schema prefixes are acceptable.
Note: The last windowdesc becomes the topmost window in Visual DBA.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024