Command Reference Guide > Command Reference Guide > Using Actian X Commands > verifylob Command--Analyze Long Data Types
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verifylob Command--Analyze Long Data Types
The verifylob utility analyzes errors in long data types (blobs and clobs).  It scans the specified blob table and examines the blob coupons and etab tables for errors. Rows with errors are dumped with error indicators.
Verifylob detects four types of errors:
(D) Duplicate keys
(L) Non matching lengths
(O) Orphaned rows
(R) Invalid iirelation rellow_logkey, rellow_logkey pair
This command has the following format:
verifylob <database> <list of tables> [-user] [-verbose] [-full] [-noetab] [-tid] [-width]
Specifies the database to analyze.
<list of tables>
Supports a list of comma separated tables.
Specifies the table owner.
Prints the SQL that was used to display the data. This helps to create queries needed to remove or update incorrect rows. For example: CREATE TABLE fixed AS SELECT * FROM bad_table WHERE hex(blobcol) NOT IN <per_key list.
Dumps data for all rows, not just invalid rows. Use this option to run verifylob on test tables to get used to the output.
Dumps base table data but not etab rows.
Specifies tids in base table to analyze.
Specifies number of characters to dump to the etab segment data column. Default: 10.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024