vifred Command--Start the Visual Forms Editor
The vifred command invokes the Visual Forms Editor (VIFRED), a forms-based interface for editing the appearance of a form. For a complete description of this system, see Using VIFRED in the Character-based Querying and Reporting Tools User Guide.
The vifred command has the following format:
vifred dbname | vnode::dbname[/server_class] [[-f]form | -ttablename |
-jjoindef][-e] [-uusername][-Ggroupid]
Specifies an existing form created with VIFRED. The -f flag itself is optional, because VIFRED assumes it is a form unless the -t or -j flag is used.
Specifies a table name on which VIFRED is to create a default form.
Specifies a JoinDef on which VIFRED is to create a default form.
Starts VIFRED with an empty table field in the Catalog frame. The user can then access the desired form directly by entering its name in the table field, or use pattern matching to retrieve a range of names for selection.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024