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vision Command--Start Vision
The vision command invokes the Vision application generator program.
The vision command has the following format:
vision dbname |vnode::dbname[/server_class] [applname] [-w] [+wopen] [-uusername] [-Ggroupid]
Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters.
Specifies the name of a Vision application to be viewed or edited.
Checks for conflicts between an application’s procedure names and QUEL function names. If you define a procedure that has the same name as a QUEL function—for example, date()—your date procedure supersedes the QUEL function.
Issues a warning if the preprocessor detects an embedded SQL statement that does not follow OpenSQL syntax (as described in the OpenSQL Reference Guide). Warnings do not halt or affect the success of compilation.
Note:  This flag does not validate the statement syntax for any SQL gateway whose syntax is more restrictive than that of OpenSQL.
Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters.
Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024