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Connect Using Dynamic Vnode Definitions
Vnode definitions allow applications to connect to databases over the network. The "server" connection string attribute equates to the vnode name.
Normally, you use Director, VDBA, ingnet, or netutil to define the vnode name and network connections, similar to ODBC DSN definitions. However, both DSN and vnode definitions can be bypassed as shown in the following example code snippet:
strcpy( connectString, "driver=Ingres;servertype=ingres;" \
    "server=@myHostname.myDomain.com,tcp_ip,II;" \
    "uid=myUserName;pwd=myPassword;database=myDatabase" );
The above connection string is an example of dynamic vnode definitions discussed in the Using Net chapter of this guide. The example shows that the ODBC can connect to a database without pre-defining any connection information.
Note:  When you use dynamic vnode definitions in your connection string, you must specify the "uid" (user name) and "pwd" (password) connection attributes.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024