Destroy Function--Destroy a Remote User Authorization
In netutil non-interactive mode, you can use the destroy function to destroy a remote user authorization.
This function has the following syntax when destroying a remote user authorization:
destroy type login vnode
Specifies the type of entry. Valid values are:
Indicates that the object is available to all users on the local node.
Indicates that the object is available to a single user.
Identifies the virtual node name associated with this authorization.
Examples: Destroy a Remote User Authorization
This command destroys a private login on vnode “payroll.” The entry to be destroyed is uniquely identified by its type and the vnode name. No additional fields are necessary.
DE PR L payroll # Current user now uses global login
This command destroys a private login on all vnodes where it occurs. Using a wildcard in the vnode field lets you destroy all instances of a particular login with a single input line:
Note: Private authorizations are destroyed for the currently logged-in user or for the user identified by the -u flag. Only a user with the GCA privilege NET_ADMIN can destroy a global authorization.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024