JDBC Driver
The JDBC Driver is a pure Java implementation of the JDBC 4.2 API released with Oracle Java Platform SE 8. The driver supports application, applet, and servlet access to Actian X data sources through the Data Access Server.
The JDBC Driver supports the following JDBC features.
JDBC 4.2 features:
• Long (eight-byte) row counts – method variants with 'Large' in method name.
• Method variants that utilize the SQLType class.
• LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, OffsetTime, OffsetDateTime classes.
• TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE and TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE. Actian X supports corresponding types; the driver prior to 4.2 identified these types as TIME and TIMESTAMP types. For backward compatibility, the driver continues to identify the Actian X types as TIME/TIMESTAMP and return Time/Timestamp objects. The new types are supported as aliases for TIME and TIMESTAMP.
JDBC 4.1 features:
• Connection.abort()
• Connection.getNetworkTimeout() and Connection.setNetworkTimeout()
• DatabaseMetaData.generatedKeyAlwaysReturned()
• Statement.isCloseOnCompletion() and Statement.closeOnCompletion()
• CallableStatement.getObject( int, Class<T> ) and CallableStatement.getObject( String, Class<T> )
• ResultSet.getObject( int, Class<T> ) and ResultSet.getObject( String, Class<T> )
JDBC 4.0 features:
• Auto-loading of the driver
• National Character Set Support
• Support for createBlob(), createClob(), and createNClob Methods
• Support for java.sql.Wrapper Interface
JDBC 3.0 features:
• Updatable ResultSets
• Scrollable ResultSets
• Transaction savepoints
• Named procedure parameters
• Auto-generated keys
• Parameter metadata
• Blob and clob data objects
The JDBC Driver is delivered as a single Java archive file, named iijdbc.jar, located in the library directory (lib) of the Actian X instance. Depending on the Java environment used, access to the driver requires adding the Java archive to the CLASSPATH environment setting or as a resource in the appropriate utility. For browser/applet access, the Java archive must be copied to the Web Server directories.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024