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Stop Communications Server
You can stop the local instance’s Communications Server using Visual Manager (IVM). For specific instructions, see IVM online help.
You can also stop the Communications Server using the command line utilities.
You can stop the local instance’s Communications Servers using Visual Performance Monitor. This “soft” shutdown operation waits for all sessions to end before stopping the server. Close the sessions (or ask users of those sessions to close them) before shutting down a server. For specific instructions, see Visual Performance Monitor online help.
To stop the communications server at the command line
1. Log in as the installation owner.
2. Enter the following command at the operating system prompt:
ingstop -iigcc
The configured number of Communications Servers is stopped.
Note:  To increase the configured number of servers, you must reconfigure Ingres Net using Configuration Manager (vcbf) or the Configuration-By-Forms (cbf) utility.
Last modified date: 02/26/2025