Connectivity Guide > Connectivity Guide > Exploring Bridge > How Bridge Is Started > iigcb Command--Start the Bridge Server
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iigcb Command--Start the Bridge Server
The Bridge Server process (iigcb) can be executed from the system prompt.
This command has the following format:
iigcb -from prot -to dest_prot hostname listen_addr
Is the local protocol (for example, tcp_ip).
Is the destination protocol (for example, SNA LU62).
Is the network name or address where the target DBMS Server and Communications Server are located (format dependent on protocol).
Is the unique identifier for the Communications Server that is used for Ingres Net connections with the destination protocol.
For example, the following command starts the Bridge Server process:
iigcb -from tcp_ip -to sna_lu62 hostname listen_addr
The following lines are displayed in the errlog.log file:
Network open complete for protocol TCP_IP, port <xx>
Network open complete for protocol SNA_LU62, port <xx>
Protocol Bridge normal startup: rev. level 1.1/02
Ingres Bridge is now ready for clients to make connections to it on the TCP/IP port specified by the listen address in the following line in the config.dat file in the Ingres Bridge installation:
ii.hostname.gcb.*.tcp_ip.port:   listen address
Last modified date: 08/14/2024