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Create a Test Case
To create a test case, follow these steps:
1. Verify that you are using the most recent release of Actian X available for your platform.
2. Collect the information customer support needs to duplicate your problem.
Customer support needs the following information in ASCII files that you can send by e-mail, UUCP, or on a tape:
The exact query that causes the error to occur
The QEP generated by the problem query
Dump optimizer statistics for all the tables in the query (use the statdump command with the -o flag, or options on the Display Statistics dialog in Director or VDBA)
The help table tablename information for all the tables that the query references (or equivalent information obtained in Director or VDBA)
The help index indexname information for all secondary indexes of tables in the query (or equivalent information obtained in Director or VDBA)
The help permit on table tablename information for grants on all the tables in the query (or equivalent information obtained in Director or VDBA)
A query of the system catalogs for information about each table. Look at iirelation and select relpages, reltups, relmain, and relprim, where the relid is equal to each table and index in the query.
The create scripts and data for all the tables, indexes, and grants that the query references. When generating the scripts, you must specify the Create Printable Data Files option. For information on generating these scripts, see the chapter “Loading and Unloading Databases.”
Last modified date: 08/14/2024