View Database Objects that Belong to Another User
To view and work with database objects belonging to another user, you must impersonate that user (which requires the security privilege).
To impersonate another user, select that user from the Users branch in the Virtual Nodes window in VDBA and open a Database Object Manager window. The objects belonging to that user and those belonging to the DBA appear in the window, where you can view and manage them.
List All Tables and Their Owners
The iifile_info view (see
Select File Names Associated with Tables) permits you to select all tables and their owners.
For example, the following query lists all user tables not owned by the DBA:
select table_name, table_owner, table_type
from iitables
where table_owner != '$INGRES' and
table_owner != 'DBA';
Last modified date: 08/14/2024