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Ingres Star
Ingres Star enables you to operate on a combination of local and remote Ingres databases operating in a variety of hardware and software environments. Ingres Star performs two-phase commit for distributed Ingres transactions. Ingres DTP applications can participate in two-phase commit transactions coordinated by TP monitors in environments that include both Ingres and other database management systems. Ingres DTP applications and Ingres Star applications can operate simultaneously against the same Ingres DBMS server. The following table compares Ingres Star with Open TP systems:
Ingres Star
Open TP System
Distributed decision support applications
Distributed online transaction processing (OLTP) applications
Scope and
nature of typical application
Transaction commitment
two-phase commit across multiple Ingres databases
Heterogeneous two-phase commit coordinated by external transaction managers
Application programming interface
SQL plus TP system application programmer interface (API)
Last modified date: 08/14/2024