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Installing EMA
EMA is distributed as a Docker image tar file.
To install EMA
1. Download the tar file from http://esd.actian.com.
2. Extract the contents of the uncompressed EMA image. For example:
tar xvf actian_ema.4.2.tar
3. Run the install command:
sh install.sh [-r external_directory]
You can specify a directory that will be used for external storage. External storage is used to persist the EMA configuration. Specify a directory that exists and that your current user can write to. If you do not specify an external directory, the current working directory is used.
The installer imports the Docker container into Docker and prompts for values needed to configure and start the container.
Note:  Messages issued by the installer such as the Docker hash ID and SSH messages are expected and normal.
4. Respond to the prompts:
What is the desired port number for the Web dashboard?
The port must be available on the machine you are installing on. The default is 80.
Contact name and Contact email
Your name and email address for notifications.
Host name
Starting with Host name, the installer prompts for the details of the sites to be monitored, from which EMA establishes a default configuration.
Description or Example Response
Host name
The name of the host where Ingres is running
Note:  If you enter an empty value for Host name, the Nagios configuration process completes.
Installation II_SYSTEM value
Example: /opt/Ingres/IngresII
Note:  If you enter an empty value for Installation II_SYSTEM, the installer will prompt for another host name.
UNIX: Is this a UNIX/Linux host?
Windows: Is this a Windows host?
Enter y or n (for yes or no).
Installation code
Used to distinguish between multiple Ingres installation service checks.
Example: II
Windows: EMA monitoring user ID value
This prompt appears if you are monitoring a Windows host.
Enter the user ID for EMA monitoring. This user ID must be a local Windows user and defined to Ingres.
Example: ema
List of blank separated database names
For each installation, provide the list of database names that should be monitored for valid backups (checkpoints).
Example: demodb imadb
5. Windows: If EMA is to monitor an installation on a Windows host, you must first run the PowerShell script 'enableps.ps1' on the Windows host. Log in to Windows as an Administrator and run:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\iiema\plugins\enableps.ps1
You must then enter the password for the ‘ema’ user on the Windows host.
The installer copies the certificate file that will be used to authenticate the ‘ema’ user during normal EMA operation.
6. When prompted, log in to the remote host(s) with the "ingres" user ID.
When the access setup completes, the remote host information is reported. The installation confirms that Nagios is running.
7. When prompted, enter a new password for the EMA web console user ‘ema’.
The installer displays the URL required to access the EMA web console.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024