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Line Continuation
There are no special line-continuation rules for EQUEL/Fortran. You can break an EQUEL statement between words and continue it on any number of subsequent lines. An exception to this rule is that you cannot continue a statement between two words that are reserved when they appear together, such as declare cursor. For a list of double keywords, see the QUEL Reference Guide. Start each continuation line with ## characters. No continuation indicator is necessary. You can put blank lines between continuation lines. For example, the following retrieve statement is continued over two lines:
## retrieve (empnam = e.ename)
##        where e.eno = enum
As a result, the preprocessor output includes a Fortran continuation indicator on any continued lines.
If you want to continue a character-string constant across two lines, end the first line with a backslash character (\) and continue the string at the beginning of the next line. In this case, do not place ## characters at the beginning of the continuation lines.
For examples of string continuation, see String Literals.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024