Dynamic Programming for Pascal
Ingres provides Dynamic SQL and Dynamic FRS to allow you to write generic programs. Dynamic SQL allows a program to build and execute SQL statements at runtime. For example, an application can include an expert mode in which the runtime user can type in select queries and browse the results at the terminal. Dynamic FRS allows a program to interact with any form at runtime. For example, an application can load in any form, allowing the runtime user to retrieve new data from the form and insert it into the database.
The Dynamic SQL and Dynamic FRS statements are described in the
SQL Reference Guide and the
Forms-based Application Development Tools User Guide, respectively. This section discusses the Pascal-dependent issues of dynamic programming. For a complete example of using Dynamic SQL to write an SQL Terminal Monitor application, see
The SQL Terminal Monitor Application in this chapter. For an example of using both Dynamic SQL and Dynamic FRS to browse and update a database using any form, see
A Dynamic SQL/Forms Database Browser in this chapter.
This section is written exclusively for VAX/VMS Pascal and makes use of the VMS extensions to the Pascal language, in particular the ability to point at any object using the built-in address functions.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024