A Sample Table Field
The examples in the remainder of this chapter all use the same form and database tables. The empform form, shown in the following figure, has one table field, employee, and two simple fields, department and floor. The table field has four displayed rows and two displayed columns, with the internal names of ename and age. The titles of the columns are Name and Age.
Two database tables are used in the application, employee and department. They have the following descriptions:
exec sql declare employee table
(eno integer2 not null,
ename char(20) not null,
age integer1 not null,
sal float4 not null,
dept char(10) not null);
exec sql declare department table
(dept char(10) not null,
floor integer1 not null);
Also, it is assumed that the examples all contain the following host variable declarations:
exec sql begin declare section;
eno integer;
ename character_string(20);
age integer;
sal float;
dept character_string(10);
floor integer;
state integer;
record integer;
msgbuf character_string(80);
exec sql end declare section;
Where other variables are needed, their declarations are given in the example.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024