Declares a compiled form to the FRS.
Examples--addform statement:
Example 1:
The following example declares the form empform:
## empform external integer
## addform empform
Example 2:
In the following example, a flag is used to insure that the addform statement is not issued more than once for this form:
## empform external integer
## added integer /* statically initialized to 0 */
if (added = 0) then
## addform empform
added = 1
end if
Example 3:
The following example illustrates use of the pound sign (#) to de-reference references to empform:
## empform external integer
## addform empform
## display #empform
## activate menuitem "end"
## {
## getform #empform (vname = ename)
## }
Last modified date: 08/14/2024