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Basic Format of a Forms-Based Application
The following example shows the basic format of a typical EQUEL forms-based application program:
## agevar  integer
## namevar character_string(20)
## ingres personnel
## forms
## forminit    empform
## display     empform
## initialize  empform (ename = namevar, eage = agevar)
## activate menuitem "Help"
## {
     program code
## }
## activate menuitem "Add"
## {
     program code
## }
## activate menuitem "End"
## {
##   enddisplay
## }
## finalize
## endforms
## exit
The display block is the section between the display statement and the finalize statement. The display block contains the statements that display a form and define the operations the user can perform.
The activate menuitem statements create the following menu line:
Help Add End
Last modified date: 08/14/2024