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Call QBF
The statement call qbf calls QBF for use with the specified QBFName, JoinDef, or Table. You cannot pass initial values to QBF. Separate items in the list with a blank or by pressing the Tab key.
Equivalent to the -f flag. Runs QBF with the QBFName specified by the value. If value is the empty string, it starts QBF at the QBFNames catalog frame.
Equivalent to the -j flag. Runs QBF with the JoinDef specified by the value. If value is the empty string, it starts QBF at the QBF JoinDefs catalog frame.
Places you in the query execution phase and specifies the table, view, JoinDef, or QBFName that you want to query. Follow the querytarget parameter with the name of the object to be queried.
Equivalent to the -t flag. Runs QBF with the table specified by the value, using a table-field format. If value is the empty string, QBF starts at the Tables Catalog frame.
Equivalent to the -l flag. Runs QBF with the QBFName, JoinDef, or table name specified by the value. Ingres looks up the name in this order: QBFName, JoinDef, table. If you do not specify a value, QBF prompts you for it.
Equivalent to the -s flag (no value). Suppresses messages. Use an empty string.
Equivalent to the -m flag. The value can be retrieve, append, update, or all. The application user enters QBF in the specified mode. If you do not specify a value, QBF prompts you for it.
Specifies the name of the table to query with QBF. Do not use with the joindef, qbfname, tblfld, or lookup QBF parameters.
Specifies the flags in effect. The value is a list of flags. Includes most system-level command line flags (except -u). Separate items in the list with a blank or tab.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024