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The statement call quel calls the QUEL Terminal Monitor.
Specifies the flags to be in effect. The value is a list of flags. Includes the following system level command line flags:
Separate items in the list with a blank or by pressing the Tab key.
Run QBF in the append mode, suppressing status messages, using the QBFName "expenses":
call qbf (qbfname = "expenses",
  flags = "-mappend -s");
Run a default report on Emptable in the column mode:
call report (name = "emptable",
  mode = "column");
Call report on a temporary table. The temporary table's name and contents are both based on user input. Note that in QUEL, embedded double quotes must always be dereferenced with a backslash (\), regardless of the operating system in use:
retrieve into :tbl (orders.all)
  where qualification (status = status,
    custno = custno);
call report (name = "orders",
  param = "table=\"" + :tbl + "\"")
The following example illustrates how to pass different data types in a call report statement:
Use the following Report-Writer query specification:
    .QUERY retrieve (callreptable.all)
    where callreptable.db_int = $rw_int
    and callreptable.db_char = '$rw_char'
    and callreptable.db_date = '$rw_date'
Include the following 4GL code in your application:
    initialize (h_param = c80 not null) = 

    "Callrep" = 

    /* Construct a parameter string by      */
    /* concatenating fields or variables with   */
    /* text constants. Data comes from fields   */
    /* "scr_int," "scr_char," and "scr_date,"   */ 
    /* with data types INTEGER, CHAR, AND DATE,   */
    /* respectively. As they are concatenated,   */
    /* non-character fields are converted to   */
    /* character type using the function VARCHAR. */

    h_param = "rw_int=" + varchar(:scr_int)
      + "rw_char=\"" + :scr_char + "\""
      + " rw_date=\""
      + varchar(:scr_date) + "\"";
    call report (report = 'callrep', 
      param = :h_param);
Last modified date: 08/14/2024