Deletes a row from a table field.
Examples--deleterow statement:
Example 1:
In the following example, the Delete menu item deletes the current row and saves the employee number for use in updating the database; if the row was a NEW row, appended by the run-time user, the row is not used to update the database.
## activate menuitem "delete"
## {
## deleterow empform employee out (vnum = eno,
## state = _state)
if (state = 2 or state = 3) then
## /*
## ** the state indicates that the row was loaded
## ** by program from the database. (it may have
## ** since been modified.)
## */
## delete employee where employee.eno = vnum
end if
## }
Example 2:
This example deletes the current row and retrieves the values of the deleted row into result variables using a param out target list:
addresses(1) = address_of(vname)
addresses(2) = address_of(vage)
target_string = "%c = ename, %i4 = age"
## deleterow empform employee out
(param(target_string, addresses))
Last modified date: 08/14/2024