Editing Help Files
Vision creates help files in the application source directory for each frame that it generates. Vision copies the template help file for the frame type and renames it to the name of the frame. The Help files are displayed when a user selects the Help menu operation. Vision generates the Help menu item for all frame types.
The help file that Vision creates in the source directory for a frame is based on the frame's:
• Name
Each generated help file has the same name as its ".osq" source code file.
• Type
Vision copies the help file for the frame's type.
• Visual query
Vision generates a basic help window for each frame type, plus up to two additional help windows based on the frame definition.
Vision can generate the types of help files listed in the following table:
For example, Vision creates the following help files for an Update frame named ChangeOrders whose source code is in the file "changeorders.osq":
• "changeorders.hlp" If the user selects Help after the user selects Go and is browsing through the data, this file is displayed.
• "changeorders.hlq" If the user selects Help when the user can enter a query before selecting Go, this file is displayed.
• "changeorders.hla" If the user selects Help after the user selects AppendMode, this file is displayed.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024