Formatting Rules
Template language executable statements must follow these formatting rules:
• To continue a statement on another line, end the line with a \.
• Do not include a statement terminator.
• The "##" symbol must appear in the first two columns of a line to be recognized by the code generator.
• "##" statements are not case sensitive.
• Any single or double quotes within a statement are ignored.
• There must be at least one blank between words of a statement and between the last word and a comment.
• You can include comments on an executable line by using the comment delimiter "- -". Comments on the "##" lines are for use in the template file only and do not appear in the generated code. A comment can be on a separate line or can follow an executable statement. Any code following the "- -" is ignored, so comments must appear at the end of a line. To continue comments on another line, end the line with a backslash (\) or start the next line with ## - -.
Examples—formatting rules:
## INCLUDE -- ListChoices menuitem
## ENDIF -- $singleton_select
## -- Main template file '' Processing
## -- always starts here
Last modified date: 08/14/2024