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Each Vision or ABF application is a collection of related units called frames. Each frame generally corresponds to one computer window of information. It is through the frame that the user communicates with Ingres and manipulates the data in the database.
The application user sees the application as a sequence of frames, although all users cannot see the same set of frames. For example, a salesperson would probably not want to see the data that an order entry clerk needs.
A frame has two main visual components (the parts that appear on the display):
The form determines how the frame's data is displayed. Forms are described in more detail in the next section.
The menu at the bottom of the frame gives the user a choice of operations to perform on the frame. The user can query the database, run reports, use Ingres tools, invoke operating system utilities, and perform other tasks.
The following figure illustrates the components of a frame:
Last modified date: 08/14/2024