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Inquire_forms Formobject
Inquire_forms formobject refers to the following variants of the inquire_forms statement:
inquire_forms column | field | form | row | table |
formobject can be one of the following: a displayed column within a table field, a simple field, a form, a table, or a displayed row within a table field. Each variant of the inquire_forms formobject statement is discussed in its own subsection below, in alphabetical order by form object type.
Inquire_forms Column
inquire_forms column formname tablefieldname 
  (fieldname = inquire_forms_constant [(columnname)]
  {, fieldname = inquire_forms_constant
Use inquire_forms column to retrieve runtime information about a column. The constant here is the objecttype column within the table field in the current form. If formname and tablefieldname are null strings and columnname is not specified after the FRS constant (inquire_forms_constant), the constant refers to the column in the table field in which the cursor currently rests. The cursor must be positioned on a table field.
The following are legal values (the FRS constant or inquire_forms_constant) for inquire_forms column:
Specifies an integer indicating whether the column exists or not. Returns 1 if the column exists; otherwise, returns 0.
Specifies a character string containing the name of the current column. Do not add a columnname.
Specifies an integer indicating the sequence number of the column within the table field (beginning with 1 at the far left)
Specifies an integer indicating the length of the data area in the column in bytes
Specifies an integer value indicating whether an input mask is in effect for the column. Returns 1 if inputmasking is on, 0 if inputmasking is off.
Specifies an integer value that represents the data type of the field.
Nullable datatypes are returned as the negative value of their non-nullable counterparts. For example, a nullable integer datatype returns -30. Note that the datatype constant supersedes type.
Specifies a character string containing the derivation string for a derived column. Returns an empty string if the column is not derived.
Specifies an integer value used to determine whether a column is derived. Returns 1 if the column is derived; otherwise, returns 0.
Specifies a character string containing the format string specified for the column.
Specifies a character string containing the validity check for the designated column.
reverse, blink, underline, intensity, displayonly, invisible, normal
Integer values specifying whether the display attribute is on (1) or off (0)
Specifies an integer in the range from 0 to 7 indicating the color code for the column. The default is 0.
Specifies a character string containing the column's display mode. Legal values: fill, query, or read.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024