Provides run-time information.
Examples--inquire_frs statement:
Example 1:
This example calls a clean-up routine if an error occurred:
## inquire_frs frs (err = errorno)
if (err > 0) then
call clean_up(err)
end if
Example 2:
This example confirms that user changed some data on the currently displayed form before updating the database:
## activate menuitem "update" (validate = 1)
## {
## inquire_frs form (updated = change)
if (updated = 1) then
## getform (newvalue = value)
## append to newtable (value = newvalue)
end if
## end
Example 3:
This example determines the mode and current field of the form specified by formname:
## inquire_frs form
## (modevar = mode(formname), fldname = field(formname))
This example provide a generalized help facility based on the current field name.
## activate menuitem "HelponField"
## {
## inquire_frs form (fldname = field)
place appropriate file for fldname into filebuf
## helpfile "field help" filebuf
## }
Example 4:
This example makes sure that the current field in form empform is a table field before deleting the current row:
## activate menuitem "Deleterow"
## {
## inquire_frs field empform (fldname = name,
## istable = table)
if (istable = 0) then
## message "you must be in the table field to delete ##
the current row."
## sleep 2
## deleterow empform fldname
## end if
## }
Example 5:
This example enables the run-time user to change the row following the current row in a table field, verifies that the current field is a table field and that its next row is visible:
## activate menuitem "ChangeNextrow"
## {
## inquire_frs field "" (istable = table)
if (istable = 0) then
## message "you must move to table field"
## sleep 2
## inquire_frs table ""
## (fldname = name, currow = rowno,
## vlastrow = lastrow)
if (currow = lastrow) then
## message "you must scroll in a new row"
## sleep 2
currow = currow + 1
/* update data in row specified by "currow."*/
end if
end if
## }
Example 6:
The following example inquires whether a field was changed by the run-time user:
## activate menuitem "Salary"
## {
## inquire_frs field (changed = change(salary))
if (changed = 1) then
log salary change for employee
end if
## }
Example 7:
The following example updates the database only if the user made changes:
## activate menuitem "Update"
## {
/* check if a change was made to column "rank" in */
/* the current row. */
inquire_frs row (changed = change(rank))
/* only need to update database
** if a change was made.
if (changed = 1) then
get information and update database
end if
## }
Last modified date: 08/14/2024