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Installing the Sample Application
Before you use the demonstration for the first time, follow these steps:
1. Read through and make sure you understand the preceding chapters and appendixes of this guide.
2. Talk to the system administrator to ensure that you are a valid user and have permission to create databases.
3. The application builds the subdirectory abfdemo in your login directory. If you already have a file or subdirectory called abfdemo in your login directory, rename it before installing the demonstration.
4. Set up the system commands for your use by adding the appropriate commands to your login set-up file:
Add the following lines to your .profile file:
set PATH=$PATH:$II_SYSTEM/ingres/bin
export PATH
You must log out and then log in again to activate the demo commands.
No additional commands are needed.
5. The demonstration application utilizes function keys. Set the environment variable term_ingres to the type of terminal you are using. See the appropriate sections of this guide for further information on this topic.
For purposes of illustration, this guide illustrates Ingres sessions with term_ingres set to VT100.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024