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Mark Errors as Fixed or Unfixed
The Fixed field in the error window lets you keep track of the errors that you have fixed. You can use this field as a record until the next time you recompile a frame. The value of this field has no effect on the actual status of the 4GL source code containing the error.
Whenever you use the FixError operation, Vision marks the error as fixed in the error window, even though you cannot actually have fixed the error. If this happens, you can change the value of Fixed back to "no" to remind yourself that you have not recompiled the frame successfully.
You also can fix an error outside of the error handler; in the visual query window, for example. The error handler has no knowledge of your correction, and leaves the error indication as unfixed.
You can manually change the status indicator of an error with the MarkFixed and MarkUnfixed operations.
To change the fixed status of an error
1. Position the cursor on the error at the top of the error window.
2. Select MarkFixed or MarkUnfixed from the menu as appropriate.
The value in the Fixed field for the error changes to "yes" or "no," respectively.
If you recompile a frame and an error remains that you have marked as fixed, its fixed status reverts to "no."
Last modified date: 08/14/2024