Transfers data into the form.
Examples--putform statement:
Example 1:
This example places data from a constant and a program variable into the form empform:
## putform empform (ename = "bill", sal = vsal)
Example 2:
This example places data from the database into the current form:
## activate menuitem "getnext"
## {
## retrieve cursor cursor1 (vname, vsal)
## putform (ename = vname, sal = vsal)
## }
Example 3:
This example assigns a null to the description column using the null constant:
## activate menuitem "neworder"
## {
## putform (description = null)
## }
Example 4:
This example illustrates the use of null indicator variables when assigning values to nullable columns:
## activate menuitem "invoice"
## {
## /* display salesperson name for invoice, if any */
## putform (salesperson = name:null_indicator)
## }
Example 5:
This example retrieves all the rows from the employee table and displays them one at a time on the form using retrieve and putform param target lists:
## retrieve (param(ret_target_string, addresses))
## {
## putform empform (param(put_target_string, addresses))
## redisplay
## prompt noecho ("press return for next row", retvar)
## }
Last modified date: 08/14/2024