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QUEL Notes for the 4GL Statement Glossary Chapter
The sections below describe the QUEL statements, statement variants, and QUEL examples where they differ from those given in 4GL Statement Glossary. Amend the statement descriptions as follows:
Use retrieve, append, replace, delete, and range as described below in place of the SQL query statements (select/insert/update/delete) in 4GL Statement Glossary.
Use inquire_ingres and set_ingres instead of inquire_sql and set_sql. The statements are the same, except that the constants session, connection_name, and connection_target are not supported in QUEL.
Use the call ingres|iquel|quel statement variants described below in place of the SQL versions in 4GL Statement Glossary.
For QUEL, statements are valid as they appear in 4GL Statement Glossary. However, example sections for the statements that use queries or pattern matching are reproduced below to show the complete QUEL versions.
QUEL does not support global variables, records, and global application constants. These are supported for SQL only.
QUEL does not support connect and disconnect statements.
QUEL does not support 'owner.tablename' syntax for objects.
When quotes are indicated, QUEL statements require double quotes in place of the SQL single quotes.
Note:  This appendix does not show examples in which the only difference between SQL and QUEL is QUEL's use of double quotes.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024