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If your Vision or ABF application is unable to run the necessary queries correctly, check the following areas.
To check how queries are being sent to the DBMS, define the II_EMBED_SET logical/environment variable to "printqry."
All queries then are printed to the file iiprtqry.log in your current directory, or to the file specified with "set qryfile."
Queries Not Running
You cannot run queries against tables that you do not have permission to access. If you receive a "no grant or grant compatible permit" error message when you try to run a query, then your application is using such tables. To receive the proper permissions to use the tables, have the table owner or DBA issue an appropriate grant statement.
Queries Not Returning Data
If a query runs but returns no data, be sure that:
You have specified all joins correctly
You have not specified a qualification that eliminates all data
Your select statements return data to the correct form or table field
Your select statements do not return data to field or column names that differ from those on the form or table field, respectively
You have not tried to select data to a hidden field or hidden table field column
The database does not contain private user tables with the same names as tables that your application is using
Queries Returning Incorrect Data
If a query runs but returns the wrong data, be sure that:
You have specified the correct qualifications
The correlation names in your target list match those in the where clause
You are not using repeat queries in a situation where such items as the target list or table names are being changed with variables
The database does not contain private user tables with the same names as tables that your application is using
If your application calls 3GL procedures that contain cursors, do not issue a commit statement during the database session. This causes all active cursors to close.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024