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Refreshes the screen and displays all visible forms.
Example--redisplay statement:
Example 1:
This example uses the redisplay statement to immediately display the results of the putform statement:
## activate menuitem "key"
## {
##   clear field all
##   putform (key = keyvar)
##   redisplay
## }
Example 2:
This example retrieves all the rows from the employee table and displays them one at a time on the form using retrieve and putform. After each putform statement, the redisplay statement is issued to display the resulting data, and the user is prompted for the next row.
## range of e is employee
## retrieve (vnum = e.empnum, vname = e.empname, 
##   vage = e.age, vsal = e.salary)
## sort by #vnum, #vname
## {
##  putform empform (eno = vnum, ename = vname,
##             age = vage, sal = vsal)
##  redisplay
##  prompt ("press q to quit or return continue", resp)
    if (resp = "q") then
##       endretrieve
    end if
## }
Last modified date: 08/14/2024