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Ends the current operation and positions the cursor as specified.
resume entry 
resume field fieldname | tablefieldname.columnname
resume menu 
resume next  
resume nextfield 
resume previousfield
Positions the cursor where it was prior to the current operation
resume entry
Generates a before field activation for the current field, which causes the before field activate block for the current field to be activated (if one was declared). Must be used whenever the application needs to trigger an entry activation.
Not restricted to before activation blocks. Can be used in a frame activation or display submenu. Do not use with a run submenu statement.
resume next
Used within a field or column exit activation. Continues the operation that triggered the activation when issued from inside a field or table-field column activate block). For example, resume next moves the cursor to the next field if a user fills in a field and presses Return.
resume field fieldname
Positions the cursor on fieldname; either the first space in a simple field or the first column of the first visible row of a table field. The fieldname is a 4GL name.
resume field tablefieldname.columnname
Places the cursor on the specified column within the named table field. columnname is a 4GL name. Tablefieldname is not a 4GL name.
resume menu
Positions the cursor on the menu line
resume nextfield
Positions the cursor on the next accessible field on the form, and causes any before activation for that field to occur
resume previousfield
Positions the cursor on the previous field on the form that is accessible, and causes any before activation for that field to occur
The 4GL resume statement ends the current operation and positions the cursor in the window as specified. Because the resume statement closes the current operation, it is typically the last statement within an operation specification or within the statement list of an if statement. Statements following a resume statement are not executed.
Follow these guidelines when using the resume statement:
The resume entry statement causes the FRS to trigger a before field activation for the current field. You cannot use this statement with a run submenu statement, but you can use it from a display submenu statement.
The resume field statement specifies any field or column on the form.
The resume menu statement positions the cursor on the menu line.
The resume next statement causes the operation that triggered the activation to continue; for example, proceeding to the next field. You cannot use this statement with a run submenu statement.
The resume nextfield statement positions the cursor on the next accessible field on the form.
The resume previousfield statement positions the cursor on the previous accessible field on the form.
The first examples are resume field statements. Position cursor on the name field:
resume field name;
Position cursor on the school column of the table field called children:
resume field children.school;
Position cursor on the field named in the resfield field:
resume field :resfield;
Position cursor in the column named in the col field in the table field called children:
col = 'school';
resume field children.:col;
Positions the cursor on the Empname column in the table Emptbl:
resume field emptbl.empname;
Positions the cursor where it was prior to the 'Save' operation:
'Save' = 
  /* Do save */
  if (save_rc != ok) then 
    /* Do error processing */
    resume field start;
Resume menu statement that positions the cursor on the menu line:
resume menu;
Last modified date: 08/14/2024