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The Create a Record Attribute Frame
To specify a record attribute, use the Create a Record Attribute frame. Display this frame from the Edit a Record Attribute frame by selecting the Create menu operation. The Create a Record Attribute frame is shown in the following figure:
ABF does not allow a record type to contain an attribute of the same record type as itself, nor can its attributes be records that include an attribute of the parent type. For example, if record type A includes an attribute of type C, C cannot contain an attribute of record type A.
The scope of a record attribute is the record itself. No two attributes for a record can have the same name; however, attributes in different records can have the same name. An attribute type can be:
Any Ingres data type.
Any other record type defined for the application.
An array of any other record type.
This frame has the following fields:
(Required) Specifies the name of the record attribute
Short Remark
(Optional) Provides a brief description
(Required) Specifies the name of any record attribute defined for this application or any Ingres type. The data type you enter here determines whether you fill in the Nullable or the Array field next.
If you enter an Ingres data type, you see the Nullable field.
If you enter the name of a record type created for the application, you see the Array field.
Indicates whether the record attribute is nullable. Only attributes of an Ingres type can also be nullable. Record types cannot be nullable. The default depends on the application query language: "yes" for SQL and "no" for QUEL.
Indicates whether this attribute is a single record or a dynamic array of records. Arrays cannot be composed of Ingres data types.
The following menu operations are available for this pop-up frame:
Creates the record attribute
Cancels creation of the record attribute
Displays a list of legal values for the field from which you can choose or field data specifications
Accesses the Help utility
Define a Record Attribute
From the Edit a Record Type Definition catalog frame, shown in the Edit a Record Type Definition catalog frame figure, specify the attributes of the record type you have created.
To define a record attribute
1. From the Edit a Record Type Definition frame, select Create. This displays the Create a Record Attribute frame, shown in the previous figure.
2. In the required Name field, enter a name for the attribute. This cannot be the name of another attribute for this record.
3. In the required Data Type field, enter the name of any record type defined for this application or an Ingres type.
For help on this field, select the ListChoices menu item. This displays a menu-type list of values from which you can select.
4. Depending on which data type you enter, the next field is either the Array or the Nullable field. For more information, see The Create a Record Attribute Frame section.
5. You can optionally enter and modify the Short Remark field here.
6. Select OK to create the attribute. You see the Edit a Record Attribute Specification frame.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024