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The Edit Application Constants Frame
To define constants for your application, select the Constants menu item from the Globals submenu. ABF calls the Edit Application Constants frame. Constants defined using this frame, shown below, are global to the application. See the 4GL section of this guide for information on using global constants in your application's 4GL code.
The catalog table field lists each constant defined for the application in alphabetical order by name. All the fields on this form are display only.
Displays the application name
Constant Name
Displays the name of the constant. This column is scrollable.
Displays the data type of the constant
Displays the value of the constant. For example, if the constant represents a menu item, the value is the string that appears in the window for the menu item. The Value column is scrollable. If you want, you can have alternate sets of values for each constant. See Using Alternate Sets of Global Constant Values.
Short Remark
(Optional) Displays a brief description, a scrollable field
The following menu operations are available from this frame:
Creates a new constant. Displays the Create an Application Constant frame.
Destroys the selected constant. Prompts you to confirm the decision.
Edits the selected constant. Calls the Edit a Constant Definition frame.
Renames the selected constant. Prompts you for a new name. Press Return to cancel the Rename.
Help, End
Perform standard operations
Last modified date: 08/14/2024