The Examine a Table Window
The Examine a Table window displays these fields with information about a table:
• Owner (the account that created the table)
• Width of rows
• Number of columns
• Number of rows
• Table type
• Storage structure
• Number of main and overflow pages
• Whether journaling is enabled or disabled
The window also displays this information about each column in the table:
• Column name
• Data type
• Key #
If the column is part of a key for the table, the window displays where in the key this column is located. For example, the second column of a multi-column key has #2 displayed in the Key # column.
• Nulls
The window tells you whether the column can accept null values.
• Defaults
The window tells you whether the column accepts the Ingres default values (zero for numeric fields, blanks for character fields).
The Vision Examine a Table Window is identical to the Examine a Table Window of the Tables utility. See the Character-based Querying and Reporting Tools User Guide for detailed descriptions of the fields displayed in that Examine a Table window.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024