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The Examine a Table Window
The Examine a Table window displays these fields with information about a table:
Owner (the account that created the table)
Width of rows
Number of columns
Number of rows
Table type
Storage structure
Number of main and overflow pages
Whether journaling is enabled or disabled
The window also displays this information about each column in the table:
Column name
Data type
Key #
If the column is part of a key for the table, the window displays where in the key this column is located. For example, the second column of a multi-column key has #2 displayed in the Key # column.
The window tells you whether the column can accept null values.
The window tells you whether the column accepts the Ingres default values (zero for numeric fields, blanks for character fields).
The Vision Examine a Table Window is identical to the Examine a Table Window of the Tables utility. See the Character-based Querying and Reporting Tools User Guide for detailed descriptions of the fields displayed in that Examine a Table window.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024