While (QUEL)
Repeats a series of statements while a specified condition is true.
QUEL examples are given below. See
While for a description of the while statement.
Examples (QUEL Only)
Use the while statement to handle deadlock:
succeed := 0; /* Set to 1 when and if */
/* append is successful */
tries := 1;
ingerr := 0;
A: while succeed = 0 and tries <= 10 do
...append statement to try to append
to database...
inquire_ingres (ingerr = "errorno");
if ingerr = 0 then
/* Append completed successfully */
succeed := 1;
elseif ingerr = 4700 then
/* Error due to deadlock - try again */
tries := tries + 1;
endloop A;
if succeed = 1 then
message "Append completed successfully";
sleep 3;
message "Append failed";
sleep 3;
Last modified date: 08/14/2024