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TriangleZM Data Type
TriangleZM has the same properties as Triangle but with two additional ordinates. In the WKT of TriangleZM the first ordinate is X, the second is Y, the third is Z, and the fourth is M.
Without specifying SRID:
CREATE TABLE triangles (name VARCHAR(30), tri TRIANGLEZM);
With specifying SRID:
CREATE TABLE triangles (name VARCHAR(30), tri TRIANGLEZM SRID 4326);
Show a line followed by an arc:
CREATE TABLE triangles (id INT, tri TRIANGLEZM);
INSERT INTO triangles (id, tri) VALUES (1, GeomZMFromText('TRIANGLEZM((0 0 0 1, 5 5 1 1, 10 0 1 1, 0 0 0 1), (10 10 2 2, 10 20 2 2, 20 10 1 2, 10 10 2 2))'));
Last modified date: 08/14/2024