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uninstall Command--Uninstall Actian X for Linux
The uninstall command is in the extracted RPM distribution archive in the bin subfolder.
The uninstall command invokes RPM and removes any or all instances of Actian X for Linux on a machine. When run without any parameters, the command generates a list of standard (non-renamed) installed packages and prompts for confirmation before removing them.
This command has the following format:
uninstall {[instance ID] | [-a (--all)]} [-y (--yes)] [-c (--clean)]
instance ID
Identifies the instance ID embedded in the renamed package names to be removed.
Removes all Actian X RPM packages for all Actian X instances. This parameter cannot be used if specifying an instance ID.
Answers yes to all prompts (that is, does not prompt).
Removes the $II_SYSTEM/ingres directory after the uninstall operation is complete.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024