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ipm Command--Start IPM
The ipm command invokes IPM. If the ipm command is invoked with no options, IPM displays databases, open databases, relation and page resources, active transactions, and user lock lists for all databases in the current installation.
Some ipm command options are incompatible with other options. If you select options that are incompatible at start-up, a message is displayed that indicates the incompatibility.
Most options can be changed while running IPM from the Option Selection Screen.
The ipm command has the following format:
ipm [options]
where options are:
Reports on resources for database dbname only.
Displays system (NONPROTECT) lock lists as well as user lock lists. The -e option is the only option that affects the Lock List Display.
Displays inactive in addition to active transactions. The -i option affects the Log Transaction Display.
Reports on a specific resource type (page, table, database, and so on). If a resource type is not specified, all resource types are reported. For a list of valid resource types, see Resource Type--Display Specific Resource).
Prints resources granted in null mode.
Sets refresh time for various screens. Specify a given number of seconds.
Runs IPM in stand-alone mode, in which it operates even if the DBMS server is down or not accepting connections.
Reports on a particular table. The -d option must also be used with this option.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024