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Comment Delimiters
To indicate comments in interactive OpenSQL, use the following delimiters:
“/*” and “*/” (left and right delimiters, respectively). For example:
/* This is a comment */
When using “/*...*/” to delimit a comment, the comment can continue over more than one line. For example,
/* Everything from here...
...to here is a comment */
“‑‑” (left side only). For example,
‑‑This is a comment.
The “‑‑” delimiter indicates that the rest of the line is a comment. A comment delimited by “‑‑” cannot be continued to another line.
To indicate comments in embedded OpenSQL, use the following delimiters:
“‑‑”, with the same usage rules as interactive OpenSQL.
Host language comment delimiters. For information about comment delimiters, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024