Embedded OpenSQL
Using embedded OpenSQL, OpenSQL statements can be mixed with host language statements. Use host language variables to specify values required by embedded OpenSQL statements. For information about the requirements of a specific host language, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
How Embedded OpenSQL Programs Are Built
The Embedded SQL preprocessor converts embedded OpenSQL statements in your program into host language source code statements. The resulting statements are calls to a runtime library that provides the interface to Ingres, Ingres Star, and Enterprise Access products. Non‑SQL host language statements are passed through the preprocessor without being altered. After the program has been preprocessed, it must be compiled and linked as appropriate for the host language. For details on preprocessing an embedded OpenSQL program, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
SQLCA—Status Information Retrieval
Status information is available to an embedded program from the SQL Communications Area (SQLCA). The SQLCA is a data structure that can be included in the program. The SQLCA contains information concerning the results of the last executed OpenSQL statement. Statements in embedded OpenSQL programs can refer to data in the SQLCA for execution of conditional actions. For information on the language‑specific data structure of the SQLCA, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024