Valid in: SQL
The HELP statement gets information about SQL and a variety of database objects.
The HELP statement displays information about the contents of the database or specific tables. In addition, help can be used at the terminal monitor to obtain information regarding OpenSQL, including such features as the syntax of OpenSQL statements and valid data types.
The HELP statement has the following format:
HELP [*]
HELP objectname {, objectname}
HELP TABLEe tablename {, tablename}
HELP VIEW viewname {, viewname}
HELP INDEX indexname {, indexname}
HELP sql_statement
Lists all user tables, views, and indexes that exist in the current database. (System catalogs are not listed.)
Displays information about all user-defined (not system) tables, views, and indexes in the database.
HELP objectname
Displays information on the specified table, view, or index.
For example, HELP tablename provides the name, owner, creation date and time, and the DBMS version under which the table was created. Displays the name, data type, length, nullability, default, and key sequence for each column in the table.
The asterisk (*) can be used as a pattern matching character when specifying an object name. For example, if you type HELP TABLE EMP*, you receive help on all tables in the database whose names begin with EMP. If you type, HELP TABLE *EMP, you receive help on all the tables whose names end with EMP.
HELP TABLE tablename {, tablename}
Displays detailed information about the specified tables.
Displays the same information as HELP tablename plus additional table information, depending on the particular Enterprise Access product or server.
HELP VIEW viewname {, viewname}
Displays detailed information about the specified views, including the text of the view, the view name, owner and the state of the check option.
HELP INDEX indexname {, indexname}
Displays detailed information about the specified indexes, including name, owner, creation date and time, DBMS version under which it was created, and, for each column, its name, data type, length, nullability, default attribute, and key sequence.
Displays a list of OpenSQL features for which help is available.
Displays general information about OpenSQL.
HELP sql_statement
Displays information on the specified SQL statement.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024